St Peter's Church Jersey

Other Ministries

Altar Servers

At St. Peter's there are opportunities for children and adults to actively participate in the worship as altar servers. The duties of an altar server are varied, but the role can be extremely fulfilling. Altar Servers assist the priest during the celebration of Mass.

applications to be an altar server are always welcome. Training is provided and new Servers are then scheduled to serve no more than once a month. They will initially be paired with a more experienced server until they are fully confident in performing their duties.

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharist Ministers are licensed by the Bishop upon recommendation of the Rector. They assist the Celebrant by administering the Chalice at the altar during the Eucharist. Training is provided by the Rector.


Lectors read one of the Bible readings at our worship services, and are provided with a rota and details of the reading well in advance.


Intercessors prepare and lead our prayers (intercessions) for the church, the world, and our community at our 10:30am service on Sunday mornings and at special occasions. If you would like to get involved in this important ministry, please contact the Rector, who will provide training for this role.


Welcomers provide hospitality to everyone who comes to worship at St. Peter's. They extend a warm welcome to all who visit St. Peter's to worship and can help make introductions, explain where things are in the Church and guide visitors through worship. Welcomers will do their best to help those in the congregation with special needs, and if you would like communion brought to your seat, please tell them so that they can inform the priest. If you would like to join the Welcoming Team, please speak to one of the ministry team in the first instance.

Coffee Team

The Coffee Team provide refreshments after our 0800 and 1030 Masses on Sunday mornings; 1000 Mass on Wednesday mornings, and on other special occasions as needed. If you would like to join our coffee team, please speak to one of the ministry team in the first instance.

Visiting Team

At St. Peter's we are committed to reaching out to those in need. We regularly visit the housebound, those in hospital and in our nursing and care homes. This includes visiting those who are unable to attend worship services, taking Holy Communion to them by arrangement, and prayer - taking 'Church' to those who are physically unable to join us at St. Peter's. 

Enquiries to take part in this ministry are welcomed and enquiries should be directed to the Rector.


More Information

Further information on all the above can be obtained from:

The Church Office

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